Moonshot #1: Explorers
Planetary, Underwater, and Space Explorers
- Robot mobility and teaming to navigate unknown and complex terrestrial environments
- Planetary science explorers surviving and operating remotely on land, in water, and in space
Moonshot #2: Guardians
Dynamic Event Monitors and First Responders
- Robot teams monitoring and responding to dynamic events (earthquakes, tsunamis, plumes, etc)
- Surveying, gathering, and distributing critical information, thus multiplying the effectiveness of human responders
Moonshot #3: Transformers
Swarms of Autonomous Robots Transforming Shapes and Functions
- In-space and on-surface deployment, construction, and assembly of complex structures (e.g., space telescopes, planetary habitats)
- Formation flying, self-assembly, and reconfiguration of autonomous swarms for science, observation, and communication
Moonshot #4: Transporters
Robotic Flying Ambulances and Delivery Drones
- Safe operation of flying ambulances and urban aerial mobility systems surviving all weather conditions
- Aerial delivery systems on Earth and Mars
Moonshot #5: Partners
Robots Helping and Entertaining People
- Butlers and nurses caring for the sick and elderly
- Entertainers and guides safely interacting with visitors
- Robots helping doctors perform surgery and improve recovery
- Assistive devices improving function, mobility, and quality of life